Infographic: Instant America

 Patience, is not one of my strong points. While I always thought that I was a high-level impatient, according to this infographic I might now be need to reclassify as an amateur. Sure, a spinning wheel on my computer can still send me over the edge, but I dont abandon my search!  Seems there are alpha-impatients out there and re-examining your website, especially for mobile optimization might need to move to the top of your priority list.

If you have analytics enabled on your site, you can see how long a visitor spent on it. If they are dropping off like flies and your content is relevant and up to date, take a look at your load time. You can also call your IT or hosting company and see if you can upgrade to a dedicated or semi-dedicated server since less sites running on a server means more bandwidth for you. And most important, look at your mobile site on a bunch of different devices and make sure you dont fall into the categories below. A few simple tweaks could mean the difference between a click in, and a click off. 

Instant America [infographic].

Instant America 800


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