Infographic: Twitter Psychology for Marketers

Now that there are so many channels to share info, and so many people doing it, the noise has begun to penetrate and people are tuning out and instead looking for quality.  See my post: Has Your Social Media Jumped The Shark?

By Mitch Monsen of WhiteFireSEO

Recently, WhiteFireSEO hosted a poll on Twitter psychology for marketers, and these are the results. What makes people unfollow you and how can you best get more followers?

Infographic Transcription:

39% of users polled said they’d rather follow a personal account that shares on all of their interests

61% said they’d rather follow a focused account that shares on a handful of topics

80% of those with over 500 followers said that they’d rather follow a focused account

Why’d you unfollow me?

Respondents said it’s because you… (Sum is >100 because multiple responses were possible)

66% Tweet too much

58% Appear automated

47% Share the same link multiple times

38% Don’t Tweet

34% Tweet about yourself all the time

Twitter Psychology for Marketers

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