Ink Optimization RoundUP – 2010 Results Report

In an exhaustive evaluation of ink-saving technologies, the world’s leading ink optimization software systems were put through a series of tests designed to assess their ink saving capabilities, as well as educate printers and print buyers on the use, benefits and pitfalls of ink optimization software.

Ink optimization software works by reducing the amount of CMY inks required to produce a color, replacing them with black ink. The 2010 Ink Optimization Roundup study, led by Dr. Abhay Sharma, Ryerson University, and Ben Starr, compared ink optimization systems to assess their capabilities in total ink reduction, color change, stability on press and file integrity.

69-page results book is now available. Book is complete with printed samples submitted from each solution Report identifies individual features of each solution. Systems examined include:

Picture 81

Agfa :Apogee InkSave

Alwan CMYK Optimizer ECO

Beijing Founder EcoInk


FineEye ICEserver

GMG InkOptimizer

Kodak ColorFlow

OneVision PlugINKSAVEin

ppi Media InkReduction

TGLC PerfX Pro and PerfX DeviceLink Pro

MPX360 Colorserver

See full article at:  Ink Optimization RoundUP – 2010 Results Report | PrintTools.


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