Insolvency rate shows signs of improvement for start of 2010

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The health of the print industry has shown little improvement but has not significantly worsened during the start of 2010, according to the latest insolvency figures from Euler Hermes UK.

In its ‘Risk Bulletin’ table of hardest-hit trade sectors, print appeared fourth with an insolvency rate of 0.72% for the first quarter of the year, up from 0.71% in Q4 2009.

The paper sector followed closely behind in fifth place, with an insolvency rate of 0.69%, up from 0.46%.

Euler Hermes risk underwriting manager Paul Trigg said the report questioned whether the print sector was in recovery, or if worse is still to come. He said: “There have been suggestions of a meltdown, but this is not a view I would support.”

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