Integrated marketing begins with experience

integrated marketingDirect Marketing News convened a group of professionals in September for a Valassis-sponsored roundtable to discuss issues inherent in creating direct marketing programs. Participants met at Direct Marketing News headquarters in New York, conferring with editor-in-chief Carol Krol over a range of issues including the challenges and advantages in integrating marketing messages; integrating emerging channels such as social media with tactics such as direct mail; and differences between multichannel marketing and integrated marketing.

Direct Marketing News: What is your integrated marketing strategy today?

Tim Van Hoof (State Farm Insurance): We’ve talked about integrated marketing. We’ve wrestled with it. But as we dig deeper into consumer preference, it’s been more of a challenge to integrate at a high level.

Certainly, there’s a brand level of integration. We want things to look, feel and sound consistent. But when we ask what should we be about in the young adult sphere, and what’s that conversation like in social media versus multimedia push messaging, we’re still learning and refining. The experience is what really needs to be integrated. We look at not only what we say and how we interact, but how we deliver.

So we ask, “How do we tailor it so it feels like it’s the same brand and a consistent message but allows the consumer to interact, engage and tailor it to their needs?”

Continues at:  Integrated marketing begins with experience – Direct Marketing News.

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