iPad Helps Glamour Produce Its "Biggest Issue In 20 Years" Amid Ad Page Rebound

In the wake of the Publisher Information Bureau’s recent promising stats about magazine ad pages and ad revenues being up for the first time in nine quarters, Conde Nast is reporting some good news about its fashion titles’ upcoming September issues, which last year were looking about as thin as the waify models gracing their pages.

glamourIn particular, Glamour has put together its “biggest issue in 20 years,” according to William Wackermann, the magazine’s publishing director.

The New York Times’ Jeremy Peters reports:

Glamour, one of the most reliable cash cows at Condé Nast, is reporting that its ad pages are up 57 percent for the month: 241 ad pages for September 2010 compared with 153 for a year earlier.

Vanity Fair, another Condé Nast publication that often gets lumped into the September page count every year even though it is not a fashion-specific magazine, will also report a bump, albeit a much smaller one, increasing 7 percent. The September issue will have 226 ad pages. Last year’s issue had 211.

Glamour has the iPad to thank for that, at least in part. It’s been requiring advertisers who bought digital space on its forthcoming iPad app — which Glamour editor-in-chief Cindi Leive is very excited about — to also purchase a certain amount of space in the print edition.

“A year ago we were talking about the death of print,” Wackerman said. “Here’s an example of how digital and print can work together.”

Vogue is expected to release its September ad-page numbers later today.

via iPad Helps Glamour Produce Its “Biggest Issue In 20 Years” Amid Ad Page Rebound.

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