Is A More Insidious Industry-Written Net Neutrality Proposal On The Way?

A an industry group made of dozens of high-profile technology companies including Apple, Microsoft and Nokia, announced “significant progress” on its recommendations on how the Internet should be regulated.

net neutralityIt will be interesting to see in what ways how the recommendations from the Information Technology Industry Council will differ from the “policy framework” put forth by Verizon and Google last month that reaffirmed basic principles of an indiscriminate wireline Internet but made an exception for wireless.

ITIC is working on terms it says will “reflect a broad representation of providers and stakeholders” in the debate over net neutrality that broke out in May after a court case challenged the government’s authority over Internet service providers. The Federal Communications Commission is considering a regulatory change that will determine whether providers can prioritize data sent over the Internet.

Weighted toward a neutral Internet

Based on the ITIC’s member list, we’re expecting its proposal to be more – ahem – in the corporate interest than the one put forth by Google and Verizon, which at least called for enforceable neutrality rules. But there are a few companies in the group that could push the recommendations the other way.

Continues at:  Is A More Insidious Industry-Written Net Neutrality Proposal On The Way?.

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