It’s Easy Being Green: Trans-Promo

A common myth is that being green is difficult and costly; which couldn’t be farther from the truth. There are many opportunities to reduce your environmental impact while driving business results and growth.

I can easily talk to the inherited environmental advantages of digital printing, but what’s one way you can make money and provide a green solution to your customers, simultaneously?

The first suggestion on the list: Transactional-Promotional Documents

mockupWhat is Trans-Promo?

Transactional-promotional communications—Trans-Promo for short—provides a significant opportunity in a large, growing market. In North America, full-color page output is projected to grow by 154 percent annually from 2007 to 2015, when nearly 40 billion pages will be produced, according Caslon, Inc (a market research firm).

Trans-Promo communications serve two missions. Like transactional documents, they present data from financial and other transactions in the form of an invoice, statement or report. But unlike traditional transactional communications, they also incorporate marketing messages that are targeted to be relevant to the recipient.

Environmental Advantages

Therein lies their key contribution to environmental sustainability—and to the bottom lines of print providers and print customers. By combining two documents that have been traditionally produced and mailed independently of one another, Trans-Promo cuts print and mail volume, thereby reducing production and postage costs, paper usage and delivery-related carbon emissions. And another great opportunity InfoTrends discovered is that transactional documents are opened and read at least once by 95 percent of recipients!

Some additional ways to derive environmental advantages from Trans-Promo communications:

See full post at:  Digital Printing Hot Spot » Blog Archive » It’s Easy Being Green: Trans-Promo.


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