Letter to President on Chinese Subsidies

made in ChinaAppleton Coated LLC, NewPage Corporation and Sappi Fine Paper North America applauded the efforts of more than 100 members of Congress who wrote to President Obama asking for action on Chinese subsidies to their paper producers.

The letter to the President urges that he “carefully examine the practices employed by the Chinese government to provide its paper industry an artificial and unfair advantage in the U.S. market, and determine the extent to which these practices cause or threaten to cause harm to American producers.”

The letter points to a study recently released by the Economic Policy Institute (EPI), which highlighted the continuing efforts of the Chinese government to promote the development of its paper producers at almost any expense. The academic study, authored by Dr. Usha Haley, identified roughly $33 billion in subsidies provided to China’s paper producers in a variety of forms that have stimulated enormous capacity increases and jeopardized production and jobs in the United States.

via Letter to President on Chinese Subsidies | PaperSpecs.

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