Lexus Brings FIRST NFC-Enabled Print Ad to Wired Magazine

Setting aside everyone doesn’t have an NFC-enabled smart phone, this is still cool and a nice introduction to the technology via PRINT of course. I totally don’t get how there is a chip in the ad (since when NFC first was stirring around magazines/newspapers were on the no-NFC list) but YAY that they are back on. Hopefully more reach of use on top of payments will increase the pressure by consumers on the mobile manufacturers to enable all phones with the technology.

Lexus Brings FIRST NFC-Enabled Print Ad to Wired Magazine

No App or Camera Required — Just an NFC-Enabled Phone

0320 Lexus WIRED NFC InsertAs print publications continue seeking ways to entice advertisers, Wired magazine and Lexus have teamed up to create what they say is the first mass-produced print ad embedded with a near-field communications, or NFC, tag.

‘Place your NFC-enabled Android phone here,’ the ad says, to experience the apps in the car’s dashboard.

The ad, which can be found in 500,000 subscriber copies of Wired’s April issue, allows readers who have NFC-enabled phones — such as the Nexus S — to access a demo of the Lexus GS 2013’s Enform App Suite simply by holding their phone up to the ad. Unlike the 2-D barcodes found in magazine pages, readers don’t need to take pictures of anything with their phones’ cameras. The phone automatically detects the NFC chip.

In the case of Wired and Lexus, that brings up a link on the phone’s screen. Click the link and a welcome video loads introducing the car’s in-dash App Suite. Users can then click on each of the app icons — Bing, OpenTable, iHeartRadio, Pandora, and Yelp — to see short videos explaing each app.

Continues at:  Lexus Brings NFC-Enabled Print Ad to Wired Magazine | MediaWorks – Advertising Age.


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