Magazines on the iPad? HP's MagCloud Makes it a One-Click Deal

Magazines on the iPad? HP’s MagCloud Makes it a One-Click Deal.

magcloudlogoGorgeous, image-rich magazines with long-form content, published periodically. Sometimes it feels like that’s what the iPad was made for. On its second birthday from inside HP Labs, the do-it-yourself magazine publishing service MagCloud is launching a new feature that lets any magazine on the platform become iPad optimized with a single click. I’m really excited about this. It’s not the Wired iPad app, yet. But it is a whole world of other magazines.

Hacker Monthly: The Print Magazine of Hacker News on the iPad? Zip! Art Nouveau Magazine on the iPad? BangMowmentum: The Magazine for the Lawnmower Racing Community…on the iPad?Boom.

magcloudipad1Above: The magazine rack. Below: Scrubbing through the pages.

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