Making Old Media Marketing New

by Mitch Wagner

Savvy marketers know how to recognize the relative strengths of old and new media and how to make them work in harmony to drive demand and sales.


Old media are great for creating brand awareness, while new media can help drive that brand awareness to sales, according to Tom Nolle, president and founder of CIMI Corp., which provides strategic market consulting to telecommunications, media, and technology companies. Nolle spoke at CMO University, a series of lectures by The CMO Site, on Tuesday.

Old media, such as television and even billboards, deliver eyeballs and get you noticed. “But are you going to buy something just because you saw it on television?” Nolle asked. TV and other old media are great at “sensitization,” making potential customers familiar with brands.

“It used to be you had to translate that sensitization to a purchase through a store visit or something like that,” Nolle said. But new media such as Internet search ads, Twitter, and Facebook, can help marketers manage the process of converting sensitization to sales. “If I get the user who just watched a commercial to visit my Website, they’ve engaged. I’ve got them on a trajectory I can manage.”

New media allow marketers to interact with prospects, make connections, and impel the prospects to take action, Nolle noted.

“Think of new media as a contact sport. What you’re trying to do with new media is support a bilateral engagement. You’re trying to take advantage of the interactivity that new media has that old media does not.”

via The CMO Site – Mitch Wagner – Making Old Media Marketing New.

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