Meet The Print Council

For the past few years, The Print Council has worked to promote, develop, and advance the market for print media through education, awareness, and research. That means educating both our own printing industry as well as the media and marketing communities about the importance of print

and, most importantly, the role that print can and should play in the overall media mix.

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Why Print? – Why Print is Green — collateral documents designed to help printers and others in our industry market themselves better.

Print in the Mix — a one-of-a-kind resource that brings together the best available research to support our claim of prints effectiveness. Previously, the data was not located in one place and was hard to access — now this information is freely and easily accessible. Published by RIT, Print in the Mix focuses specifically on how print can help maximize marketing campaigns for better ROI — either as a stand-alone product or as one solution integrated with other media.

Print Delivers — in person, multi-media seminars educating the marketing specifiers, planners, and agencies about prints effectiveness. Its purpose is to make sure that the people who decide among print, broadcast, internet and other forms of communication competing for dollars, are armed with facts when they make those decisions. Expert panelists provide the data, information and other tools marketing specialists need to demonstrate how print an essential part of the “mix.

“Educating print providers and marketing/media influencers about the power of print is what the Print Council was created to do. We invite you to discover the initiatives that The Print Council has developed and to put them to work within your own organization.

Find out more about who we are and what we do: The Print Council.

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