Millcraft Paper: The Recyclability Equation

paper recyclingThe latest issue of Down To Earth (IP’s look at environmental issues and trends) is out. It asks the question “How do you fit in the recyclability equation?” At first I am thinking, ok aren’t we all pretty well versed on recycling by now? Then I am reminded by how many misconceptions are out there. For those looking for quick primer on paper recyclability – this is it.

Did you know that paper can be recycled up to seven times? That’s because it’s a natural product to begin with and the technology that exists is able to recover, reporcess, and remanufacture wastepaper for use in new products – making it both green and economical. In 2009, 63.4% of all paper consumed in the US was recovered for recycling? Compare that to the 18% for tv’s and computers and a mere 10% for cell phones.

Continues at:  Millcraft Paper Company.

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