Modernizing the Pantone Matching System

With the release of PANTONE PLUS, Pantone has taken an important step to modernize the PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM (PMS), which has been a color communication standard for half a century. When Pantone introduced the Goe system in 2007, many wondered whether this was an attempt to replace PMS. According to Ron Potesky, that was not the case, and Goe is still a viable product. However, adoption has been slower than the company might have expected. Potesky told WhatTheyThink, “Goe is a great product. It is chromatically designed, has more than 2,000 colors and uses a standard ink film thickness that allows for repeatability. But it has not been well understood in the creative market. Goe will continue as part of our strategy moving forward and has a place in the system for certain types of jobs, including packaging and jobs with acqueous or UV coating. But PMS has been and will continue to be the lead core product. It owns brand colors for so many companies and designers, and we don’t want to change that. It will remain our flagship product globally.”

See full article at:  Modernizing the Pantone Matching System – Printing Industry News and Opinion from Print CEO.


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