More Capabilities for Your Money: Inkjet Printer System Features for Key Applications

Matchprint Inkjet ProoferA good part of our conversations in the proofing development labs in Burnaby  is consumed around how to get the most out of a particular system for a certain price point. We are constantly arguing the merits of different printers for different applications or performance needs .We can’t help ourselves, even our lunch conversation will drift onto the topic. As I mentioned in my first blog post, 5 Tips for selecting your next inkjet proofer, which discussed how to set your purchase requirements, we wanted to share our knowledge with you so that you can maximize the benefits of your next inkjet printer purchase.

Today I’d like to share our top tips on what features you should consider  when selecting an inkjet printer for a particular application Many print shops are trying to expand their customer base by taking on side line work in other markets, e.g. Print for Pay or Outdoor Signage. The following is a list of the key considerations for setting up a good system. Note the use of the word “system” as you need to have the key printer capability married with the right ink/media combinations to get the desired output.

Photo Applications

• Generally  there are less than 50 prints per run

• Output is often on Fine Art Media (e.g. canvas)

• Color critical to the customers’ demands – “the customer is always right”

• Has to last but is usually in a protected area and under glass so the day to day stress on the print is less than some of the other applications

• Has to look like you cannot identify how it was made (Giclée)

• Quality, Quality, Quality

• Be prepared to spend some time setting up to get  the color right. Tip!: use  standard color setups (profiles etc) to save some time here

See full post at:  Kodak: Grow Your Biz – More Capabilities for Your Money: Inkjet Printer System Features for Key Applications.


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