More Jobs For Creatives

by Megan Patrick

Marketing and advertising executives anticipate a significant uptick in hiring activity in the third quarter of 2011, according to The Creative Group Hiring Index for Marketing and Advertising Professionals. Twenty-two percent of executives interviewed said they plan to add full-time staff in the next three months, and 3 percent expect reductions in personnel. The resulting net 19 percent of executives anticipating hiring is up 10 points from the second-quarter forecast.

TCG 0511 GRPH HiringReport

Key Findings

*   The net 19 percent of executives planning to hire is up 10 points from last quarter.

*   Eighty-seven percent of marketing and advertising executives are confident in their companies’ growth prospects for the third quarter, a three-point increase from the second-quarter projection.

*   Web design/production, brand/product management and print design/production are the specialties in greatest demand, according to survey respondents.

*   Forty-two percent of executives said it’s challenging to find skilled professionals today, up three points from the previous quarter.

The national study was developed by The Creative Group, a specialized staffing service providing interactive, design and marketing professionals on a project and full-time basis, and conducted by an independent research firm. It is based on more than 500 telephone interviews — approximately 375 with marketing executives randomly selected from companies with 100 or more employees and 125 with advertising executives randomly selected from agencies with 20 or more employees.

via HOW Magazine Blog | More Jobs For Creatives.

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