Multichannel Marketing Maximizes Results

istock 000006531757medium1Improve performance and results by harnessing the effectiveness of multichannel marketing.

I keep hearing from marketing managers that all you need is a good email marketing campaign—no need to spend money on the print and postage of a direct mail campaign or spend the money to integrate TransPromo communication techniques. While email and other web-based marketing campaigns can be inexpensive, they often fail to hit their intended targets because we’ve all become incredibly adept at using spam filters. Some tell me that a well-designed social media campaign is a valid replacement for most other types of marketing in our increasingly wired world. But the network-based nature of social media limits the reach of most social media campaigns, which rely on networks that may not include the people you are trying to target.

All of this is an excuse to try to eliminate the cost of printing and mailing direct mail campaigns or the effort put into adding promotional components to transaction communication. While email, web-based, and social media campaigns can be great at augmenting a classic marketing campaign, the truth is that alone, they will not produce the results you want. But, integrating the power of the pixel and the power of paper can produce results that will be the envy of your peers.

See full article at:  Multichannel Marketing Maximizes Results.


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