Multichannel Merchant Survey Shows Merchants Not So Social

Are multichannel marketers making the most of social media? They’re making progress, but they don’t see it as an overly-important marketing tactic, based on respondents to Multichannel Merchant’s Outlook 2010 survey on E-Commerce.

On a scale of 1 to 10 in importance, with 10 being most important, the mean rating for social media was 5.76. Though 12.2% rated it a 10, 9.4% gave it a 1.

But nearly 70% of the total survey respondents are on Facebook, while 57% are on Twitter. A third (33.2%) are on LinkedIn, 30.4% are on YouTube, and 28.5% have a company blog.

A look at the business-to-consumer respondents shows 74.8% are on Facebook, compared to 63% of business-to-business respondents. The b-to-c merchants are also twittering more than the b-to-b merchants as 61.5% of con¬sumers merchants said they tweet vs. 50% of business responders.

Read full article and see survey at:  Multichannel Merchant Survey Shows Merchants Not So Social.


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