My Dog is a Marketing Genius

My Dog is a Marketing Genius | Alan Blume – Go Virtual Blog.

My dog Betsy is a West Highland white terrier, commonly known as a Westie, and she is a marketing genius. Betsy is 14 years old and employs the best possible marketing techniques which we all can and should use.

My Dog Betsy is a Marketing Genius

Betsy the Westie has clearly identified her target market.  She has opted for a broad horizontal, cross demographic strategy, but after careful analysis has excluded infants and very young toddlers. Her target market is now 6 years and older. This was determined after multiple test campaigns with a variety of segments, identifying this younger group as never having food or treats.  Further, Betsy found this group to have other issues, like stepping on her paws and tugging on her hair.

Betsy has superb branding; she is immediately recognized by everyone in her target market, even though it is broad, from older toddler to octogenarian, male or female, rich or poor.  After all, though she is a small dog, she walks proud and tall, ears pointed upwards, eyes alert with a friendly and pervasively cheerful demeanor. Everyone she meets realizes this and takes and instant liking to her, bending down to pet her, quickly taken in by her playful and pleasing manner, persistently puppyish even at the veteran age of fourteen.

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