New Neenah Website Advances Use of Paper Through Technology

neenahwebisteSome might find it ironic: one of the world’s leading fine paper makers using advanced digital technology [paperless!] to sell paper? What are they thinking?

“Because consumers today get most of their information from web-based resources or smartphone apps, we need to embrace that and speak their language,” explains Tom Wright, senior director of advertising and design for Neenah Paper. “We simply must find new and increasingly effective ways to reach them and that includes using technology as part of the mix.”

As testimony to that commitment, Neenah has launched a totally redesigned and retooled website, Designed to engage today’s Neenah customer in ways no other industry site can, it is a significant feat for a paper company and a unique investment into creative tools that marry paper and technology.

Continues at:  Millcraft Paper Company: New Neenah Website Advances Use of Paper Through Technology.

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