Nike Scores With Exceptional MultiChannel Project

Nike+ City Runs from yesyesno on Vimeo.

For the launch of the Nike Free Run+ 2 City Pack series, YesYesNo was invited to develop software that would allow runners to create dynamic paintings with their feet using their Nike+ GPS run data. During the two day workshop at Nike headquarters, we invited the participants to record their runs and then using our custom software we imported the metrics from their run, to create visuals based on the speed, consistency and unique style of each person’s run.

Using the software the participants were able to play with the mapping and adjust the composition of their run which was then outputted as a high resolution print for them to take home. We also worked with the Innovation Lab at Nike to laser etch the runner’s name, the distance they ran and their run path onto a custom fabricated shoe box, which contained a pair of the ‘City Pack’ shoes from their city of origin.

Nike run paintingsThe second part was a retail installation which visualized a year’s worth of runs from the Nike+ website. We made custom software that played back runs throughout three cities: New York, London and Tokyo. The runs showed tens of thousands of peoples runs animating the city and bringing it to life. You can see individual runs, as well as the collective energy of all the urban runners.


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