Nominate a Woman in the Printing Industry for the Naomi Berber Memorial Award

Picture 64Naomi Berber (1905–1973) began her career in New York as executive secretary to the president of the Lithographic Technical Foundation, predecessor to GATF. In 1965, when GATF brought its education, research, and administrative offices under one roof in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Ms. Berber moved to Pittsburgh to continue her work with the Foundation. Ms. Berber was known by her colleagues as the “First Lady of the Foundation,” and was the first woman elected to the Society of Fellows. To honor her progressive, hardworking mentality, we hold the Naomi Berber Memorial Award on an annual basis. The award is given out to a woman who personifies the Naomi Berber school of thought and excels in her field of graphic communication and volunteers her time to improve the industry.

Nominees for this award must fulfill this criteria:

1. A candidate must have worked in the graphic communications industry for ten years or more.

2. A candidate must have an outstanding record of accomplishments that demonstrate her unusual contribution toward the development of the graphic communications industry; such contributions could be in the form of extraordinary leadership, direction, and/or support of programs or projects that have furthered the interests of the industry.

3. A candidate’s activities must have extended over a period of time, and her contribution should not be confined to a single project, development, or program.

Nominate someone for the Naomi Berber Memorial Award today.

Berber Award recipients join more than thirty years of outstanding women from the graphic communications industry, such as Diane Romano, Sue Baylin, Laura Gale, and Betty Maul. An engraved plaque is presented to the recipient to commemorate her accomplishments.

The Berber Award will be presented at Printing Industries of America’s Fall Administrative Meetings, November 11-14, 2010, in San Francisco, CA.

This forum hosts an impressive audience of industry leaders, including boards of directors and committee members from Printing Industries of America, its Ben Franklin Honor Society, and the Print and Graphics Scholarship Foundation (PGSF). For more information, contact Chrystal Senay at 800-910-4283, ext. 736 or

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