Now on PMC: Events, White Papers & Jobs

PrintMediaCentr is a Global communications platform providing resources and information to the Print and Integrated Marketing Service industry. Today, we are proud to announce three new site features to further enhance the sites capabilities, and the user experience.

Picture 102Global Events:  A comprehensive list of Industry Gatherings!

Find Print and Integrated Marketing events, conferences, webinars, and opportunities for training and education or post some! It’s FREE to list, FREE to browse, and unique advertising opportunities are also available for Event Producers and Event Sponsors.

White Papers: Share your knowledge with the World!Picture 31

We are looking for Print and Integrated Marketing White Papers for the purpose of education, information, and help with the decision making process. Our current submission categories include: Print & Printing, Marketing, Print Media, Digital Media, Social Media, Mobile Media, Design, Training & Education, and Other. It’s FREE to browse, FREE to upload and FREE to download the available White Paper PDF’s. This is a great opportunity for all of you to share your knowledge, experience and products with the world… and provide thought leadership for those seeking information.

PMC JOBS:  Find the Perfect Job or the Perfect Candidate!

PrintMediaCentr has partnered with to bring you the latest industry employment opportunities, and deliver qualified and professional Print & Integrated Marketing candidates through our new JOBS platform dedicated exclusively to our network.

JOBS2“PrintWorkers began our partnership with Deborah Corn through her LinkedIn group Print Production Professionals.  She had a lot of energy at building the community, and together we wanted to make sure that the members had access to the latest industry job opportunities.  We began posting our jobs in the group and were able to help many people find work. When PrintMediaCentr launched, we knew it was an opportunity to help even more people and said, “We want in”. There were a lot of positive signs we noted on this new venture from a great site design to international exposure. In the end we felt that partnering with PMC would make the industry better for our efforts and help a lot of good people secure quality choices when searching for jobs.” Brian Regan, PrintWorkers.

Stop by and search the available jobs, register for FREE as a job seeker, or get information on how to list your opportunities and search our database for candidates. PMC Jobs currently is US based, but we are working hard to expand it Globally as soon as possible so stay tuned for that announcement.

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