Open Call For Print Samples To Showcase At #Print13

DCunclesam2_printmediacentrGreetings Citizens and Artisans of The Printerverse!

PrintMediaCentr is honored to be working with GASC at Print 13 September 8-12 in Chicago! We are once again creating The Printerverse – a show floor feature located in booth 5440… and our theme is INSPIRATION & OPPORTUNITY – aka INSPIRTUNITY!

This is an OPEN CALL for print and packaging samples we can showcase and share with the attendees at Print 13!

We are looking for creative, out of the box, and funky:  folds, finishes, varnish techniques, paper stocks, scents, scratch and sniffs, LASER cuts, die-cuts, folders that are brochures, brochures that are folders, cool biz cards, bells, whistles, talking, singing, light up, award winning, INSPIRATIONAL examples of the possibilities with print! ETC. Whew!

Please only send 2 or 3 samples of each execution (so we have back up if any go walking away). There is no limit to how many executions you can send us.

All packages must be received between September 4th and 6th 2013. For mailing address, please contact Marco Morales who is once again helping me produce an event, within an event, for PMC!

Make sure you let us know if you are on social media so we can share pictures with you from the Print 13 Floor! We will be tweeting with #print13 and #printerverse so everyone can follow along!

Click here to visit our dedicated Print 13 site, meet our partners, get a FREE pass to the show, and see what we will have going on!

See you in Chicago!

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Canon Production Printing Print Media Centr