Overview of the economy and its impact on the general and package printing business outlook

Printing Industries of America’s Ronnie H. Davis, Ph.D., vice president and chief economist, and Edward Gleeson, manager of economic and market research, provide an overview of the economy as it relates to general and package printing.

Where will the U.S. economy, print, and packaging trend over the course of 2010 and 2011? The answer to this question depends on the exact path of the recovery from the 2007/2009 recession and the longer term pattern of growth of the global and U.S. economy, along with key dynamics shaping print and packaging. In this article, we assess the likely path of the economy, print, and packaging over the next 12 to 24 months.

Mapping the 2010/2011 economy

The fundamental underlying bias of the U.S. economy is to grow. In fact, since the end of World War II the economy has grown in 90 percent of the quarters and years. Another underlying tendency is that the economy typically gathers strength as it recovers from recessions and grows at above-average rates the first and second full years after the recession ends.

Read full article at:   Overview of the economy and its impact on the general and package printing business outlook : packagePRINTING.

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