Package Design: Puma and Yves Behar's new green packaging

6a00d8345250f069e20133ecaaa82c970b 550wiAfter three years in the making, a new solution to the shoebox is announced- and it’s pretty sleek too!

“It’s hard to imagine something as simple as the shoebox being completely overhauled. But Puma and Fuseproject have done just that, in a design that will completely transform the brand’s supply chain—saving millions in electricity, fuel, and water.

“Rethinking the shoebox is an incredibly complex problem, and the cost of cardboard and the printing waste are huge, given that 80M are shipped from China each year,” Béhar tells “Cargo holds in the ships can reach temperatures of 110 degrees for weeks on end, so packaging becomes an enormous problem. This solution protects the shoes, and helps stores to stock them, while saving huge costs in materials.”

After spending 21 months studying box fabrication and shipping, Fuseproject realized that any improvement to that already lean system would merely be incremental. So instead, the “clever little bag” combines the two packaging components of any shoe sale—the bag and the box—with high-tech ingenuity.

read the full article at: Package Design: Puma and Yves Behar’s new green packaging.

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