Paper Arabia 2010 opens in Dubai

newsbildSami Al Qamzi, Director General of the Dubai Department of Economic Development (DED) today inaugurated Paper Arabia 2010, the first-of-its-kind industry expo, at the Dubai International Exhibition and Convention Centre. The event will continue until September 28th, 2010.

Speaking about the paper industry, Al Qamzi said: “Paper industry is developing all over the world, especially in the Middle East. We have high hopes for this industry in Dubai and the potential is really huge. Nearly 12 per cent of Dubai’s GDP is contributed by converting industries, in which the paper industry constitutes a mere 1.5 to 2 percent. This shows the growth potential of the paper industry, taking into consideration that the UAE is one of the highest consumers of paper in the Arab world.”

Continues at:  Paper Arabia 2010 opens | Al Bawaba.


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