Paper trends

While traditional print communications—and the use of paper—have lost some ground to new media, new media can also be a communications channel about the virtues of print and paper, and how to deploy them more creatively and effectively in the Digital Age. Moving beyond the essential corporate Web site, which usually focuses on products and financial news, some paper companies are expanding their cyberspace presence by offering a wider and more varied range of information and tools for printers, designers and others involved in graphic arts production. These include “apps” that can be downloaded to the iPhone and Blackberry, and even humorous videos to demonstrate the unique capabilities of paper.

Wausau Paper, Mosinee, Wis., launched a forum targeting both designers and printers at Jeff Fox, director of marketing at Wausau Paper, describes the site as an online community of people involved in all aspects of digital printing, and invites participants to add comments and to submit their projects at the site.

Regular bloggers on the site include Printing News columnist Heidi Tolliver-Nigro as well as Leslie Tane, the creative director of Leslie Tane Design Studio, and Mark Potter, the publisher of Canvas magazine, which is directed to print sales and marketing professionals and others.

See full article at: – Paper trends.


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