Paper Wine Bottles Are Here!

via Paper Wine Bottle from GreenBottle.

Green bottle paper wineFirst we changed to screw caps and plastic corks.  Snobs objected vehemently over both options because of the “quality” factor.  Turns out that tradition doesn’t trump taste as many of these wines were picked by those same snobs in blind taste tests.

Next came boxed wine which was again launched with an uproar, but successful marketing and quality product won over the average consumers.

Now we are about to see paper wine bottles!

A British inventor says he hopes to launch next year.  The basic concept is boxed wine reshaped.  There is a thin plastic bag inside the paper bottle.  Talk about light weighting a package!  It is touted as using a tenth of the energy as it glass competitor.  Not too bad for a green option from Greenbottle (currently selling cardboard milk cartons).

Priced similarly to boxed wine this package should do just fine.

About GreenBottle

GreenBottle has developed a much greener solution which can replace plastic bottles. The outer shell is made from paper which can then be recycled, or if left it will just decompose within a matter of weeks. The inner liner, which takes up less than 0.5% of the space of a plastic bottle if dumped in a landfill, prevents liquid from contaminating the paper outer.

GreenBottles can be used for milk, juices, smoothies, yoghurt drinks, squashes and concentrates, water, shampoos, hand creams, liquid detergents, engine oils and probably many more liquids that we don’t even know about yet.

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