Partner Pre-Nups Ensure Easy Break-Ups


At a recent #PrintChat I presented questions for the topic of “Moving Mayhem” (see chat questions, stats and replay here) and our discussion centered around print customers moving their work from vendor to vendor, and the process for a professional break-up. With the waft of love hanging rather thick in the air thanks to Valentines Day, it’s a perfect time to remember that we enter into our business relationships with the best intentions, but they don’t always end that way. Planning for your break-up at the start of your relationship might just save you from The War of the Roses – and we know how that ended.

Craft a Partner Pre-Nup!

Print customers I am talking to you. Back in the day, and then a few days before that, if you broke up with your printer you were able – for the most part – to get the files and plates they were storing for you. The digital age has made that a lot more complicated, especially since what we send our printers isn’t the “final” file for printing. More often than not they are adjusted/fixed to print correctly and we don’t know about it. More often than not, we don’t know about that adjustment because we aren’t paying for it. However, that brings up a tricky little point – who actually owns that final file optimized for printing.

To leave no doubts, EVERY estimate, PO, written communication about your work should contain a sentence specifying that files sent and used for the creation of your work are your property, and are to be sent back to you at the end of each job, or returned upon a break-up. Personally, I have always preferred to get them one by one. It’s less awkward if there is a break-up, and you have the control to send files for printing anywhere you choose.

Craft a Customer Pre-Nup!

Printers, I am talking to you. Despite my soapbox rants I cannot seem to get you into the Digital Asset Management business, so things could get ugly if you decide to hold my files hostage or charge to locate, unarchive and send. Keeping the customer door open, and the relationship in good standing should be your goal, but obviously you also need protection for the time and effort you devoted to us, when there was an us.

If you don’t charge for fixing and storing files, you may want to figure out a harmonious way to work that into costs, and have a clause covering what you will and wont provide after a break-up clearly caveated in your estimates and billing. You also may want to provide a contract addressing this subject, and have a discussion up-front with your customer to address and incorporate their needs and concerns before both parties agree and sign.

It’s Not You, It’s Me.

Planning for the unexpected is something most of us do already, so refer to your own experience, ask your colleagues for theirs, and come up with a comprehensive exit strategy should the love-fest end with any of your customers, or vendors. Most important, if you are on service side arrange for an exit interview, or prepare a short survey to gather as much info as possible regarding their departure. It’s a great time to get open feedback, learn about landmines to avoid, and how you can serve your current and future customers better.

Lastly, always keep in mind that customers change jobs, and service providers change jobs. If you happen to meet up with an ex down the road, you want to be remembered for how cool you were when your relationship ended, and how helpful you were to get materials sent, bills paid, and keep the break-up drama to a minimum.

No one wants to be involved with a crazy ex, or thought of as one.

Deborah Corn_PrintMediaCentr_bioDeborah Corn is the Intergalactic Ambassador to The Printerverse at PrintMediaCentr, a Print Buyerologist™, Integrated Marketer, Industry Speaker and Blogger, Cultivator of the Print Production Professionals Group, the #1 Print Group on LinkedIn, and host of the weekly industry #PrintChat on Twitter. She has more than 25 years experience working in advertising and marketing, and currently works behind the scenes with printers, suppliers and industry organizations helping them to achieve success with their cross media and social media marketing endeavors.


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