Penguin Books and Zappar Bring Augmented Reality to Print

Dear Mobile Industry,

As a member of the Print Industry I would like you to consider the following before declaring some sort of victory in the form of an editorial end-zone dance when the game has only just begun.

First of all, Print isn’t attempting to compete with you, or technology. We are part of the same team, we complete each other. Where would Augmented Reality be without PRINTED MARKERS or Print to augment? I don’t see millions of people walking around with Google Goggles, and even if they had them, don’t you think much of the digital content would be triggered by something printed? Signs don’t just appear out of the ether. 

Use of Augmented Reality IN Print doesn’t create a competition, it creates your Industry! We have been here, and will be here, long after the next tech or gimmick comes along. Don’t make it as though we are on our last breath since that is far from reality. You should be out there supporting us so YOU have someone to sell your services to.  Incorporating AR into books isn’t some favor you are doing for US, we both benefit from it. And since more people know what a book is than what AR is, you are welcome for the free publicity.

I dont deny that you are an important part of the world, and that you play a significant role in my life, but please don’t forget that is by choice. I choose to let you in. I choose which phone, which plan, which apps, which techs, everything about you I decide if it lives or dies. We invited you to play in our world, so please, be a good sport about it and let’s have some fun together!

Thanks for you time…
Deborah Corn 

Print industry attempts to compete with technology with the help of technology

Since the advent of technology, the print industry has labored to compete for the affection of consumers. With each new generation, consumers became more enamored with technology, especially that of the mobile variety. Smart phones and other handheld devices have succeeded in peeling consumers away from traditional print media. Print has managed to survive the relentless onslaught of technological gadgets being developed for consumers, but the industry has made note of its own steady decline. In an effort to regain the support of consumers, the print industry has turned to augmented reality.

Augmented Reality Books1Zappar and Penguin Books team to augment classic works of literature

Penguin Books, an acclaimed book publishing company, has announced its partnership with Zappar, a developer of augmented reality applications. Through this partnership, the companies aim to bring classic works of literature to life using augmented reality. The duo has successfully enhanced the titles Moby Dick and Lady Audley’s Secret using the technology. Penguin Books claims that the experiences contained within these books will be unlike anything readers have experienced before.

Zappar app can unlock interactive experiences

These augmented reality experience can be unlocked through the use of the Zappar mobile application, which is available for free for both iOS and Android mobile devices. These experiences were designed to be small bits of enjoyable digital content. This digital content is meant to make books more dynamic and provide readers with higher levels of entertainment. This may be enough to enable the print industry to compete with mobile technology.

Augmented reality may help print industry reclaim favor with consumers

Penguin Books believes that using augmented reality with books represents the dawning of a new idea in publishing. By making print media more interactive and engaging, Penguin expects to see more consumers drawn to books. The publisher has plans to continue using augmented reality technology to enhance classical literature and will be releasing additional titles in the future. Zappar is expected to be involved in these releases, as the augmented reality application has already served as a viable platform for this endeavor.

via Penguin Books and Zappar bring augmented reality to print – QR Code Press | QR Code Press.


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