PIA announces Product of Excellence Awards Now Accepting Entries

Picture 32For over three decades, the Binding Industries Association’s annual Product of Excellence awards recognized outstanding examples of craftsmanship. Winning a Product of Excellence award tells your customers and prospects that the work your company produces is among the very best.

A Competitive Advantage

Winning can set you apart from the competition and secure new business. Winning companies use their triumph to solidify client relationships, grow their business, and enhance their standing in the marketplace.

In the decades that the Product of Excellence awards have been around, many things have changed in the binding industry.  However, one thing has remained a constant: the value of winning a Product of Excellence award.

Every company produces pieces that are outstanding. From around the world, binderies send their work to be judged against that of their peers.

Your company, too, can put the benefits of winning to work for you!

Benefits of winning include:

Widespread promotion: All winners will be listed in a special section of The Binding Edge—which has a distribution of over 12,000 readers. Top industry publications will also be contacted on your behalf to help promote your company!

Listing on www.bindingawards.com: Your company’s name, with a link to your own website, which is hosted by The Website, one of the top resources for information on the latest technology, business solutions, and industry trends. More than 35,000 unique visitors log onto The Website each month. The Website registered users include 20,000 graphic arts professionals.

Press releases: News releases and featured articles of winners in industry-related trade press.

A self-promotion kit: This kit can help you build on your success.

A handsome award: Display this award honoring your achievement.

For more information, please contact Justin Goldstein, BIA manager and POE coordinator, by phone at 412-259-1806 or by email at jgoldstein@printing.org. Deadline is March 28, 2011

Enter here:  Product of Excellence Awards | Printing Industries of America – Printing.org.


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