PIA: Web Offset Awards Now Accepting Entries

From Press Release

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, September 16, 2010–The Web Offset Association (WOA), a special interest group of Printing Industries of America, is now accepting entries for the 2011 WOA Annual Print Awards Competition. These awards have 38 categories, from coldset printing on newsprint to coated product catalogs, so any web or offset printer can enter a division they are comfortable in.

These awards provide a stage for printers to have their work displayed and, in turn, boost business, increase morale and impress clients. Tim Poole, owner of Dome Printing, one of last year’s winners, said, “The WOA Print Awards became a symbol to our employees that their attention to detail can and does make Dome stand out above other printers.”

Aside from recognition and publicity, first-place winners in a category will win one complimentary registration to the Offset & Beyond Conference, one night’s accommodations at the host hotel, a personalized plaque, and two lapel pins. Second and third place each win a complimentary registration for the Offset & Beyond conference as well as two personalized certificates.

It’s only $25 ($100 outside of the U.S., free for students) to enter and the deadline for entries is January 31, 2011. For more detailed information, eligibility, categories, rules, and judging criteria, please contact Justin Goldstein, contest manager, at (800) 910-4283 ext. 806 or visit www.printing.org/printawards.

Thanks to Central Ink Corporation, Flint Group, Goss International Corporation, US Ink a Sun Chemical Corporation, and Eastman Kodak Company for sponsoring this year’s event.


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