PMC WEBINAR: Jump into "Push Notification" Mobile Marketing with Subscribit



THIS is a good one if Im bringing out the webinar platform!!!

I was looking to create some sort of notification system for GRAPH EXPO when I connected to Frankie Gray through the connector of all connectors, Pat McGrew. I sent him an email asking if he was able to develop such a thing – and when he let me know he was just about to launch Subscribit, I couldnt believe it. 

Subscribit Logo

Subscribit is a FREE APP that allows you to send “Push Notifications” – aka direct messages – to your customers, organization members and ATTENDEES AT TRADE SHOWS!!! <—- HELLO 

This is NOT a SMS/texting platform – NO personal information, like your name and cel phone number, is required to receive notifications making the opt-in non-intrusive and privacy protected.

I plan on using this APP to let anyone who is interested know about activities in The Printerverse at GRAPH EXPO. I can pre-program and schedule notifications, send live ones, and connect them ALL to social media. You can format the notifications, include links and even rich media!

The APP does so much more and can even be set up so people can choose to be alerted only about certain information – but come to the webinar and hear Frankie explain it. There is no cost for the webinar, or the APP. As a matter of fact, anyone who comes to the webinar will receive a FREE premium subscription for one month! When that expires, you can continue to use the APP at no cost with a basic subscription, or sign up for a very affordable monthly plan! 

Register here and I look forward to seeing you all at the webinar and GRAPH EXPO!




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