PODi Issues Call for Digital Printing, Direct Marketing Case Studies

PODi logoROCHESTER, NY—May 19, 2011—PODi, the Digital Printing Initiative, has issued a call for entries to industry leaders who have created or produced successful marketing campaigns or programs utilizing digital printing, cross media, relevant one-to-one direct marketing, collateral management or online marketing portals, custom publishing, packaging or personalized transactional/transpromo solutions.

All accepted submitters receive a professionally written case study that will be published in PODi’s acclaimed database of digital printing case studies. They are also entered into the prestigious 2012 Best Practice Awards competition. Winners are invited to receive their awards and present their case studies at the 2012 AppForum in Las Vegas. Deadline for entries is July 25, 2011.

“Our PODi case study is the single best tool in our sales arsenal. It has opened doors for us and driven new business. Having a PODi-published case study outperforms our own write-up because the PODi name gives us credibility and recognition,” said award winner Ted Raymond of Allegra Print & Imaging.

RICG President Chris DeSantis says his PODi case studies helped build his company’s reputation as a marketing services thought leader and drove new business.

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