Poster innovation outweighs new media in UK electioneering

BothAnyone who lives in or has visited the UK over the last fortnight or so (ash cloud permitting) couldn’t fail to notice that there’s a general election going on – the dead giveaway being saturated media coverage of the political tub-thumping.

But despite initial projections that this would be the UK’s first social media election, the battle to win the hearts and minds of British voters hasn’t focused so much on vehicles such as Twitter and Facebook as originally predicted, but on more familiar campaigning territory.

While these digital channels have occasionally hit the headlines – mainly when a faux pas has been committed – nothing has garnered more media attention and public debate in this campaign than the big bang billboard posters deployed by the leading political parties – for differing reasons.

See full article at:  Poster innovation outweighs new media in UK electioneering | FESPA.


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