Print Ad Charges Phone Using Solar Energy

This isn’t the first time Nivea dazzled the advertising world promoting their sunblock in Brazil. Last year they created a remarkable billboard made with a million beads…  But this is WAY cooler than that! Using a print ad to harness solar power to charge devices on the beach…  GENIUS. 

Per the Daily Mail – “The full-page advertisements apparently took eight months to produce, six months to develop the technology and two months to print.” I’d say that was time, money and effort well spent!

If you find yourself on a Brazilian beach, no need to leave if the battery on your phone is running low – thanks to Nivea and their clever magazine ad: a solar power charger for your phone. Created by Giovanni + Draftfcb in São Paulo, Brazil, the ad promotes Nivea’s Sun line which includes an ultra-thin solar panel and phone plug. The panel on the sunscreen ad is made of solar material that captures the suns rays, converting it into energy for your phone which plugs in via the port.

continues at:  Print Ad Charges Phone Using Solar Energy – PSFK.

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3 Responses

  1. So inspiring to see leaders in your industry take it to the next level of growth and innovation. Great share


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