Print and All That’s Good and Decent

Have you noticed that print has become one of the good guys?

We’re not selling our data to the bad guys. We’re not setting up algorithms that only benefit our paying customers. We’re not slowing down access to those who can’t afford to get on the information superhighway.


Print is good and decent.

It’s fascinating to read posts by the digital gurus who list print (sometimes at the top of the list) as a way to reach customers in a trustworthy way.

We’re trustworthy! Because print good and decent!

It’s amazing to see developers want to create new ways to connect their technology to print.

Because print connects with people. It’s good and decent!

I love seeing people turn for their news to big newspapers and small that check their facts and put out honest journalism.

Honestly, print is so good and decent.

If you’re involved in making print, selling print or promoting print, this is the year to reach out to your tribes, your colleagues and even your print-indifferent friends and let them know that print has always been the one.

We’re like Glenn Close in “The Natural.” So good. So decent.

And like her character, we really are the logical, enduring, smart choice.

It’s always been print.

P.S. Polish up your image and get your messaging in order. Together let’s make the most of print — and why it’s great — in the coming year!

Read more from Sandy here.

sandygatf6 e1411236050855Sandy Hubbard is a marketing strategist for printing companies. She builds sales and marketing programs that can be sustained over the long haul, with affordable tools and your own people…and without stress!

4 Responses

  1. Thank you – I really do think we in the industry have a responsibility to elevate printing. I appreciate your readership and comment!

  2. WELL SAID! I’ve worried about our industry through the pandemic to be honest. But, every time I venture out of my little condo and away from the screen I’ve spent WAY too much time in front of this year, I realize that people like us, they really like us.
    There is something that makes me trust what is on a piece of paper more than a constantly editable screen. Back in the day, as a magazine journalist, there was a certain obligation that was held more sacred in getting it right when the shelf life of the book was a full 30 days.
    We are going to be just fine. It is up to leaders like you and Debra Corn to remind the world why we are good and decent.

  3. You’ve described a relatable situation: our super-reliance on screens and the fact that digital media are, as you say, impermanent and can be edited after something is published. Our ability to trust print as a medium, even if we don’t always trust everything we read (that’s still on us), is paramount. Thank you, Michel, for your comment.


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