Print Doesn’t Need Saving

Print_life_preserverEvery year we hear about the premature death of print. Yet somehow each and every year we find that the print industry is alive and well. It’s true that print designers are struggling to find jobs. It’s true that some smaller print shops find themselves struggling and dropping prices to get local clients in the door.

What this represents is not the death of print by any stretch of the imagination, but rather a shift in the marketplace.

The market is shifting to entrepreneurship and creatives. With more DIY makers and individuals creating personal brands, the print industry is seeing growth in some areas while seeing shrinkage in others. Digital LED’s and Billboards are shrinking the out of home market. However the number of independent authors who need print materials for public appearances, not to mention the printing of their actual books, has never been higher. Event marketing has seen a huge surge as well and many of these events heavily rely on having materials and signage printed.

With how long the print industry has stood the test of time without dramatic changes, this sudden pivot over the last decade or so, may have some in the industry shell shocked. But those who adapt and look to the opportunities that are growing rather than ones that are shrinking will survive the changing tide.

Here is a short list of the new and growing markets for print customers:

  • Trade shows and conventions
  • Solo Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners
  • DIY Crafters, Designers and Artist
  • Authors and Public Speakers

Roberto Blake PrintMediaCentr e1452974720166Roberto Blake is a Graphic Designer who runs his own one man Design Studio, focusing on Brand Development and Advertising. Roberto has experience in design for print, web and multimedia and has worked on out of home campaigns including billboards featured in Times Square. He is a monthly contributor to Print Media Centr’s News From The Printerverse, and a frequent participant at #PrintChat on Twitter. He is also a contributor for publications such as Print Magazine and How Design and has had work featured in Advanced Photoshop Magazine. Roberto is extremely active in social media, producing multiple YouTube videos each week to assist designers and other creative professionals through advice and tutorials.

Connect with Roberto: / @robertoblake /


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