Print Media Centr Announces Line Up Of FREE Expert Panel Presentations And Special Events At Graph Expo 2015

Printerverse_Special Events

Print Media Centr (PMC) announces a robust line up of expert panel presentations and special events that will take place in The Printerverse(booth 3867) at GRAPH EXPO 15, and co-located CPP EXPO, coming September 13-16 to Chicago’s McCormick Place. The Printerverse is a highly interactive 2,500 square foot show floor feature providing “Printspiration, Information and Fun,” where attendees are invited to come and connect with the topics, trends, and people who are pushing the print-driven industries forward.

“This year’s programming will feature a compelling mix of expert panel discussions and special events that will provide for show visitors, and home viewers of our Livestream broadcasts, the keen perspective and multiple points of view from our Printerverse Alliance partners on a diverse array of timely topics,” states Deborah Corn, Principal at Print Media Centr. She continues, “The Printerverse is also a continuous show floor networking hub where all attendees are invited to spend time every day of the exhibition to participate in lively face-to-face conversations, meet-ups, tweet-up’s, and join in the special events with free lunch and afternoon coffee breaks, such as the “National Girls Who Print Day” with Mary Beth Smith on September 15, 2015.

Line-up of Printerverse programming open to all GRAPH EXPO and CPP Expo attendees:

Sunday, September 13

1:00 – 1:45 PM Blazing the Trail to Profit: Discovering New Customer Channels

2:00 – 2:45 PM What Have You Done for Me Lately? Adding More Value to Customers Beyond Service

3:00 – 3:45 PM Protecting and Perpetuating the Prosperity of Print and Paper! (A special event with The Paper & Packing Board/How Life UnfoldsTM, Two Sides North America and Choose Print. Coffee/tea will be served!)

4:00 – 4:45 PM Breach Is the New Black: Data, Privacy and The Cloud

Monday September 14

11:00 – 11:45 AM 50 Shades of YAY! Color Management, Paper & Digital Print

12:00 – 12:45 PM Print Possibilities with HP Indigo! (Get some PRINTSPIRATION and FREE Lunch during this awesome show and tell event!)

1:00 – 1:45 PM Zooming In: Bringing the Value of Digital Print into Focus

2:00 – 2:45 PM Evolution/Revolution: The New Age of Industry Orgs & Associations

3:00 – 3:45 PM Case Study Café! Telling THEIR Story: Best Practices from HP High-Speed InkJet Web Press Customers! (Join us for an afternoon coffee/tea break and some amazing paths to ROI!)

4:00 – 4:45PM Wine, Books & Beers! (Learn how to enter the short-run bookmaking arena at this cocktail party! Get your drink tickets in the HP, Fastbind USA and GPA Specialty Substrate booths! No ticky, no drinky!)

Tuesday, September


11:00 – 11:45 AM I Can’t Believe It’s Not Offset! Everything You Need To Know About The Inkjet Revolution!

12:00 – 12:30 PM National Girls Who Print Day Lunch and Girlie Award Presentation hosted by Mary Beth Smith and Deborah Corn! Everyone is welcome!

12:30 – 1:30 PM Annual Girls Who Print Day Mentor Panel

2:00 – 2:45 PM Incoming! Print Techs and Trends You Cannot Ignore!

3:00 – 3:45 PM Reinventing World Class. Coffee and Conversation with Pitney Bowes

(Join us for some afternoon caffeine and an innovative discussion!)

4:00 – 4:45 PM An ROI River Runs Through It: Mapping Your Multi-Channel Marketing Streams

Wednesday, September 16

10:15 – 11:00 AM Behind the Social Curtain: Introducing The Wizards of WOW!

11:00 – 11:45 AM Digital Schmigital: Marketing Print to Millennials

12:00 – 12:45 PM Print Smart: Evaluating Tools for Saving Time and Money

1:00 – 1:45 PM Post-Press Success: Winning with Finishing

2:00 – 2:45 PM The Last Word With The Printerverse Alliance

Panelists include special guests and members of our 2015 Intergalactic Alliance of The Printerverse: adphos, arifiQ, Avanti, B&R Moll Inc., Canon, CHILI Publish, Eagle Systems, Fastbind USA, GPA Specialty Substrates, HP, Mutoh America, NAPCO Media/Printing Impressions, Paper and Packaging Board, Pitney Bowes, Print Apply, Profitable Print Relationships, Scodix, Solimar Systems, Xerox and Xplor International.

For the full description of The Printerverse sessions and special events, and information on how to watch The Printerverse Sessions broadcasting LIVE from the show floor via Livestream, visit:

For more information about GRAPH EXPO 15, and to register, visit: Courtesy of The Printerverse, use code PMC15 for a FREE PASS to the show!

About Print Media Centr

PrintMediaCentr (PMC) provides topical information and resources to the Print & Integrated Marketing community, with some fun in the mix! Through the site and its channels – including the LinkedIn Group Print Production Professionals and weekly #PrintChat on Twitter – PMC engages with the largest social media community in print, by sharing content, information, training and education for relevant products and services. PMC is aligned with many industry organizations and events to support their efforts through its various initiatives and services. For more information, get in touch!


Recognized as the most innovative and comprehensive exhibition in the Americas of inkjet, digital, offset, flexo, gravure and hybrid technologies, products, and services for the commercial, transactional, converting and package printing, publishing, mailing, in-plant, photo imaging, marketing, and industrial printing industries, this year’s “Transform” themed GRAPH EXPO 15 offers an exciting show-going experience for a diverse spectrum of attendees. The industry event presents the latest graphic communications technologies in live equipment demonstrations across the exhibition floor, plus education on the most in-demand products and newest profit-making opportunities. GRAPH EXPO 15 offers more than 70 interactive learning sessions and 50+ co-located events for attendees across 12 key market segments. For additional information about GRAPH EXPO 15, visit:

About Graphic Arts Show Company (GASC)

GRAPH EXPO and PRINT are produced by the Graphic Arts Show Company (GASC). GASC is owned by Epicomm, NPES The Association for Suppliers of Printing, Publishing and Converting Technologies (NPES), and the Printing Industries of America. GASC is located at 1899 Preston White Drive, Reston, VA 20191 USA, telephone: 703/264-7200, fax: 703/620-9187, e-mail:



Canon Production Printing Print Media Centr