Print Media Centr Debuts Project Peacock Peeks; An Educational Video Series for Print Customers and Printers 

Print Media Centr Press Release

The Printerverse – November, 2018 – Print Media Centr (PMC) recently expanded the Project Peacock program by taking it beyond the conference room walls of ad agencies and in-house marketing departments and bringing it to screens, everywhere.

Project Peacock, a traveling show-and tell created by Deborah Corn, the Intergalactic Ambassador to The Printerverse at Print Media Centr, began in March 2017 with partners Canon Solutions America, Domtar, Scodix and Miralupa. The driving concept behind the program was to share print samples, applications and information to help agencies, brands and corporations understand what is possible with today’s toner based, inkjet and wide format presses, digital finishing, paper and substrates, and marketing technology.

“Project Peacock programs were an amazing and illuminating experience. We met with over 600 attendees and dazzled them with digital print possibilities. After Aetna came knocking for a visit, it was evident that the need for non-solicitous, end-user education was at a critical point” says Deborah Corn, Founder of Project Peacock. “It also became evident that the program needed to expand to allow for more partners and therefore more information to reach these giant print customers and print-spend influencers. Project Peacock Peeks does just that.”

Project Peacock Peeks Print Media Centr

Project Peacock Peeks is an educational video series that was shot in pairs on location. The “application” videos provide a platform for partners to connect with viewers, share samples of finished work and drive business to their print service provider customers. The “technology” videos allow print service providers the chance to get a short product demonstration on the products used to create the highlighted applications and the information they need to decide on the right technology for their business without ever leaving their desk or device.

Project Peacock Peeks launches with videos from Canon Solutions America, Domtar, Agfa Graphics and Ricoh rolling out over the next few weeks. All videos will be accessible through and hosted on Inkish.TV. Inkish.TV shot, directed and edited all of the videos included in this first release.

“A heartfelt acknowledgment must be made to The Association for PRINT Technologies (APTech) for believing in the Project Peacock mission and supporting these inaugural videos,” said Corn. “APTech has stepped up their education game, and I am proud to be a partner in that mission.”

Project Peacock Peeks will continue filming in the U.S. and expand to create global partnerships in 2019. To request a Project Peacock Peeks proposal, please contact deborah @

Connect with PMC here or on social media for information on upcoming Project Peacock Peeks videos, and Project Peacock Print Fair launching in 2019.

Peacock Long and Prosper!

About Print Media Centr

Print Media Centr provides printspiration and resources to our vast network of print and marketing professionals through online content, event support and coverage, and Podcasts From The Printerverse. PMC also works with printers, suppliers and industry organizations to help them create meaningful relationships with customers, and achieve success with their social media and content marketing endeavors.


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Canon Production Printing Print Media Centr