#PrintChat Resource List Is Now Available!

The topic of this week’s #printchat was “Sharing” and the goal was to have everyone share their go-to spots for information and resources. I asked, the chatters answered, and there were so many links flying by that we were asked to compile them for distribution. Marco Morales (@miercs) who stood in as co-host this week answered the call and provided this document for us.

I have not verified if all the links are accurate (and you’ll have to cut and paste them since Twitter shortens and converts them), so if you encounter any issues please leave a comment below with corrected info, and if you think of other resources you’d like to share please add them as well! 



Don’t know what #printchat is?

Every Wednesday at 4PM ET an awesome group of Global Print & Marketing Tweeps converge and converse on topical industry topics using the hashtag #printchat. You can read more about it here . Everyone is welcome to join in, and if you are shy just sit back and follow the stream by searching #printchat in whatever platform you monitor Twitter.


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