Printers Becoming Media Advisors to Print Buyers is a Growth Opportunity

By Margie Dana for…

Like everyone else in this field, I’m wondering what the printing industry will look like in 10 years. Heck, I’m thinking it will be quite a bit different in 2015. I’m getting whiplash watching one new media tool after another change the face of doing business — and turning print on its inky head.

My first thought is always, “What does this mean for print?”

Several weeks ago, The Boston Globe reported that Apple’s value had shot past Microsoft’s. One statement in particular stopped me cold:

half full

“The rapidly rising value attached to Apple by investors also heralds an important cultural shift: Consumer tastes have overtaken the needs of business as the leading force shaping technology.”

It’s something I’d sensed — and here it was in print! (For the record, I like my newspapers the analog way.) As consumers’ tastes for all-things-digital expand, print’s function shifts. We know print volumes are down, and they may be down to stay. That’s the glass-half-empty view.

Here’s a glass-half-full view. I see growth for printing companies that appreciate the power of multi-channel marketing and realize that customers, including consumers, have a wide range of preferences for getting information. These printing companies don’t simply appreciate the power of multi media; they, like me, get an actual buzz from the opportunities they create.

See full article at:  Printers Becoming Media Advisors to Print Buyers is a Growth Opportunity -Margie Dana : Printing Impressions.

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