Printing Services: Old And New Techniques

The popularity of print medium as a potent means of spreading information to people of all types is immense even these days. The present form of the printing services industry is an outcome of years of change and evolution in printing styles and processes. Today it addresses a vast range of needs of customers, which goes much beyond printing.

Bulk printing services through relief printing technology started during the–00’s when the world’s first printing press was invented by Gutenberg. In relief printing the printed image appears elevated from the base, just as it exists in a rubber stamp. Relief printing is rarely in use nowadays, though there are still some cases where it is used.

Printing methods have changed greatly down the years, and these changes have been brought about by upcoming of newer technologies. Modern printing methods are quite diverse and come to a variety of uses. The astounding diversity of available options in printing techniques in fact greatly confuses the customers.

Read full article at:  Printing Services: Old And New Techniques | Content for Reprint Blog.

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