Promote the Cozy Qualities of Print in 2024

cozy home cozy fireplace woman sitting in chair in front of fireplace

When marketing the positive attributes of print, we have to remember that people think of print as “cozy” – and that’s a good thing in 2024. With elections on the horizon, rising interest rates, and the growth of artificial intelligence, this will be a year that tests the most zen among us. We have a real opportunity to position and promote print as reassuring, relaxing, warm, and comforting. Print IS cozy, so let’s communicate that strategically. 

Now I know there are all types of print, and it’s not all cozy. But we’re working with the public’s perception. So this year, we will link arms as an industry and maximize the comforting characteristic of print – because people need it.

There’s so much anxiety out there. When I search social media for people talking about print, they say they find reassurance in reading and discussing books, writing by hand in their Moleskine planners, turning off screens, and experiencing the retro aspects of print. 

There’s also nostalgia for the pre-computer era, even among age groups who grew up on their devices. 

Here are six ways we can convey the cozy quality of print in our marketing:

Print samples. You can lay out an array of printed samples on a work table under harsh lights – or you can showcase your best work on a coffee table while the print buyer enjoys a steaming mug of mocha latte.

Word choice. Is print as comforting as snuggling in a fluffy down comforter on a snowy day? Be more creative in your blogs, marketing materials, and sales letters.

Smell, taste, touch. Are you shipping print samples to a prospective customer? Choose examples that fit the cozy theme. Include a bag of sustainably farmed coffee and a box of fresh cinnamon rolls. Vanilla and spices always evoke a cozy feeling for me, and your prospects will be transported as soon as they open the package and get a whiff!

Color choices. In your printer’s self-promotion, your online and print ads, print collateral, and event materials, go ahead and lean into the warm color spectrum – mulled wine, royal blue, burnt sienna, ivory, eggplant, mustard yellow – instead of the typical cold winter hues.

an image showing upcoming events for women in the printing industry

Video. If you need inspiration for the mood I am describing, search YouTube to find gentle music mixes and “lo-fi” music designed for studying and relaxing. The music plays while the screen shows cozy computer-generated jazz cafes, coffee shops, fireplaces, comfortable study lofts, fluffy beds with weighted blankets, and other relaxing spaces with a cozy ambiance. Here’s another video, and you’ll notice what’s on the table: candles, coffee, and books, of course. Lest you think coziness is a seasonal feeling, I can assure you that the “lo-fi” crowd watches these videos year-round.

Branded merch and gifts. I’m in a brand ambassador group that sends cozy stuff regularly: socks, a fringed throw for the couch, a branded sweatshirt, a scented candle, a mini zen garden, a thermos mug, international foods, and a beautiful blank notebook and a pen for jotting deep thoughts. The printed items, especially, really set the mood.

Tonight, our college-age son came into the living room where I was making notes on a client’s printed newsletter, and my husband was reading our local newspaper.  

“Awww. This is so nice! Mom and Dad reading in front of the fire with the cat curled up.” Then he plopped down, got out the backgammon board, and proceeded to beat me two games out of three. Cozy is here to stay! 

Capitalizing on the public’s need for coziness can validate print as a medium. It brings together all ages and helps us all be more receptive to and excited about print. We may not all produce cozy print – but we all can paint a cozy picture.

Print is poised to be the great comforter in a turbulent year. Let’s make the most of it!

Check out last month’s post: Why Print Businesses Should Wait to Ditch Twitter

Read all posts from Sandy:

Sandy Hubbard 2021 e1624219077304Sandy Hubbard is a Marketing Strategist and consultant who advises print and media companies and individuals on how to position themselves powerfully and in alignment with their goals and aims so they can achieve the results they dream of and make a difference in the world. Sandy is also the host of #PrintChat, a weekly gathering of print-loving people worldwide who discuss print-related topics in a respectful and inspiring environment.  Connect with Sandy on LinkedIn to learn more.


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