QR Code Scans Skyrocket in Q2 2012

What I would love to know is whether or not the “Scanners” would scan again, how many of the accounted for scans were “new scanners” vs people who already scan, and of course if the new mobile pricing plans will impact whether or not these scanners would scan in the first place…

App Store Icon

Sure, Im happy people are interacting with print, but we need to move on to the next chapter with this sort of information. More scanning just means more scanning. Are the scanners doing anything or being compelled to do something by the content?At least there is a little peek at the sort of content that works best, and I think it is next chapter that an APP download is second on the list. That’s certainly what I see as the next “big” thing for everyone to jump on.

Through my minimal look into how to create APPS, you can make a simple one that includes your company info, your social media links and feeds, and your blog for example. You can go crazy and even add online ordering/registration and things of that nature which would be GREAT for events and webinars especially.

What I get from this QR article: Take a bigger look and get on the APP Express… NOW!

QR Code Scans Skyrocket in Q2 2012

by Daniel Mickens 

top qr code campaigns imageA recent mobile barcode trend report released by ScanLife showed huge growth in mobile barcode scanning. The trend report for Q2 of 2012 showed a record breaking number with 5.3 million scans in the month of June alone, the highest ever number of scans in a month.

The number of scans per minute jumped from 24 in Q2 2011 to 120 in 2012. The company also reported that 4 million new people scanned via ScanLife in Q2 2012.

The largest campaign run in Q2 of 2011 provided just over 30,000 scans where as the top campaign from Q2 of 2012 resulted in over two million scans. Campaigns that garnered the highest number of scans contained contests or loyalty programs as the primary content. Other mentionable QR campaigns contained social media content, app download content, and video content.

ScanLife’s report represents traffic from QR codes and UPC barcodes, including QR code traffic generated through third party platforms as well as through ScanLife.

With the numbers increasing it is key for marketers to focus on the demographics of QR code users. Males make up the majority of the scanning population at 69 percent. As far as mobile platforms, Android leads the way with 53 percent of barcode scans. Apple iOS is the other notable mobile platform that accounted for 43 percent of scans.

age and gender demographic imageOver 75 percent of the QR Code scanning demographic is comprised of people 25 years and older. Meanwhile, 60 percent of people scanned from home, according to comScore data cited in the ScanLife report. The most popular hours of scanning seem to fall midday and early evening between the hours of 3 and 7 pm.

The report also ranked the top QR code campaigns by industry as well. The top industry was the toy industry followed by health and beauty. Wireless fell in at third followed by fast food restaurants. The beverage industry rounded out the top five industry campaigns.

via  QR Code Scans Skyrocket in Q2 2012 | ClickZ.


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