QuadTech's newspaper color control system helps newspapers print color ads

Sussex, Wisconsin – The trend in newspaper printing for better control over color is being fueled by a need to diversify. Semi-commercial products, hybrid heatset/coldset newspapers and publications geared to attract advertisers – such as lifestyle supplements – are now commonplace.

To help printers achieve the required quality and accuracy, QuadTech (IPEX 2010 stand 06-C520) has responded with the Color Control System with AccuCam. This inline, image-based, closed-loop color control system delivers the necessary accuracy and consistency to penetrate the high-margin semi-commercial print market, while reducing manpower costs and waste.

The Color Control System with AccuCam optimizes control over an entire image by comparing values of the live image with target aim points derived from the pre-press file. As a result, the system eliminates the need for unsightly color bars and gray scales, making more space available for editorial or revenue-generating advertisements.

See full article at: QuadTech’s newspaper color control system helps newspapers print color ads – Printing Industry News from WhatTheyThink.


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