Reinvented Disposable Coffee Cup Eliminates Plastic Lids

Interesting concept! Good for Paper, Print, and the environment!

Called Compleat, the all-paper design has a built-in lid with sipping spout.

by Belinda Lanks

compleatcup 2

I buy many cups of coffee and habitually cringe when reaching for a plastic lid. It’s pretty hypocritical to make a point of avoiding Styrofoam, only to slap a petroleum disc on a paper cup. (And yes, I know that carrying a travel mug would obviate the issue.) Fortunately for me (and my eco karma), a designer named Peter Herman has come up with a greener, all-paper disposable cup that folds closed like a takeout container to form a sipping spout.

Continues at:  Startup Radically Reinvents The Disposable Coffee Cup, Eliminating Plastic Lids | Co. Design.



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