Relevancy Explored: Precision Marketing Versus Transpromo

By Featured Guest Writer: Jonathan McGrew

virtual coach picRelevancy is the driver of marketing plans for 2011, or at least we should all agree that it should be for reasons covered in Relevancy Rules Marketing Predictions in 2011. In fact, if you were following the 2011 PODi AppForum on Twitter you may have noticed that the there was a trend—key metrics equal response rates, campaign costs and cycle times. How do you improve all of these key metrics? Relevancy. What tools are in our tool kit to achieve Relevancy? I would say precision marketing…but wait isn’t that TransPromo and haven’t people been talking about that for years now? This is where the application and the framework take separate forks in the road. Let’s explore.

We in the printing industry would like to believe if you haven’t heard of TransPromo then you must be living under an IBM 3800. Okay, a little printer humor there, but seriously TransPromo and precision marketing (the path to relevant, data-driven communications) aren’t the same. TransPromo—the combination of transactional documents and promotions—is a term that marketed what some in the industry had been talking about for years: ads on a bill/transactional document. You might have also heard them call onserts. One of the original goals was to move the industry from black and white statement printing to digital color printing and reduce the postal weights by taking the “inserted” ads out of the mailing envelope. Reduce weight equaled cheaper mailings and higher cost savings (unless you were being paid for those inserts, but let’s set that aside for the moment). TransPromo meant you wouldn’t loose the ad revenue by nixing what the industry called “inserts.” Cost savings and workflow management equals precision marketing right? Not necessarily.

Continues at:  Relevancy Explored: Precision Marketing Versus Transpromo, Is There a Difference? | The Relevancy Requirement.

Also see:

1/1: Interview with Skip Henk President/CEO Xplor International

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1/1: Interview with Pat McGrew EDP, Data-driven Communication Segment Evangelist at Kodak

1/1: Interview with James Shand EDP, Director & Partner at TriPartum Ltd

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